Rose Well Sustainable Projects in Agriculture (RWSPA)


As consultants on sustainable agriculture as an environmental issue, RWSPA’s vision is to facilitate compliance with and implementation of South Africa’s Social Development Goals (SDG) for 2030 for small and medium enterprises within the agricultural sector.


RWSPA aims to bridge the poverty gap by monitoring and evaluating food security projects in terms of implementation of the leading South African agronomy institutes’ principles and guidelines for Corporate Social Investment clients with the focus on

All of RWSPA operational decisions are compliant with  act 36 of 1947

ACT 36 of 1947

Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agriculture Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947 Definitions:

“Fertilizer" means any substance which is intended or offered to be· used for improving or maintaining the growth of plants or the productivity of the soil

“House and garden fertilizer” means a fertilizer manufactured, recommended, packaged and offered for sale for the use of pot plants and in home gardens and not intended for agriculture use

“Safety Data Sheet” means a document that contains information on the potential hazard (health, fire, reactivity, and environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product’

“Compost” means a stabilized, homogenous, fully decomposed substance of animal or plant origin to which no plant nutrients have been added and that is free of substances or elements that could be harmful to man, animal, plant or the environment

Group 2 fertilizer

Group 2 fertilizer

Group 1 fertilizer

The above 3 pictures are examples of 3 different registered fertilizer composts regularly used by NPOs

As per Hazardous Substances Act 1973 (Act No 15 of 1973) we do not supply or work with Section 4 Group 1 Category A or B products.

Contextualised approach

The 2030 Social Development Goals have given international exposure to the need for secure, grounded food networks. SAI’s Research paper for FERTASA defined the context-based approach to farming known as ‘regenerative agriculture’ as ‘an outcomes-based approach that protects and improves soil health, biodiversity, climate and water resources while supporting farming business development’. In order to be able to claim that regenerative farming is being done on a farm, a farmer must identify at least 2 impact focus areas for improved outcomes within their specific context. This adds new risk assessment, monitoring and reporting criteria to the planning and execution of the best existing, potentially modified farming practices. The process can be summarised as follows:

The Rose Well Sustainable Projects in Agriculture (RWSPA) plan for 2025 proposes to support corporate funders with an integrated consultancy product that works with agriculture sector food production partners in the following ways:

2. Pre planting

3. Monitored Planting

4. Monitored Growth period

5. Monitored Harvesting

South African Non-profit agronomy institutions we are certified with and for which RWSPA has pending applications for paid membership in 2025

Fertilizer Association of South Africa 

FERTASA is committed to “Promoting the responsible and sustainable use of fertilizers”.

“FERTASA’s purpose is to act as the recognised and preferred body that promotes the image of the fertilizer industry by:

·         Promoting the integrity of its members and building preferential trust for their products and services; and

·         Enhancing and protecting the interests of its members through effective engagement with government and organised agriculture.”

Ryan Marsden of RWSPA has completed the FACTS course and an Individual membership pending.

Crop Life SA

“CropLife SA serves responsible manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of sustainable crop protection, public health and plant biotechnology solutions in South Africa.”

RWSPA has completed Crop Life’s Basic Crop Protection Course and supplies registered products to agriculture projects beneficiaries, membership is pending.

SIZA Sustainability Initiative of South Africa

“SIZA, the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, provides a platform for agricultural stakeholders to ensure ethical and environmentally sustainable trade. This platform monitors care for the environment and compliance with labour legislation”. The aim is to encourage continuous improvement in practices in excess of the minimum legal requirements.

RWSPA engages directly with our stakeholders throughout the value chain to manage risks and identify needs and issues. Interventions and support tools are created by measuring member compliance over time.

SIZA Environmental standard

·         Water;

·         Soil;

·         Energy, materials & waste; and

·         Farm ecosystems & biodiversity.

Agri Intel

“Agri intel provides current and correct plant protection information to various stakeholders in the agriculture and export industry to assist in the mitigation of production and marketing risks related to the use of plant protection products.”

RWSPA utilises Agri-intel’s Safety and Data sheets for registered products

Agri SA  (Agriculture Gauteng)

AgriSA is an organisation with a value proposition whereby many organisations with an interest in the agricultural value chain are accommodated. AgriSA’s vision is ‘to ensure an inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector and, through living and respecting its values and with the cooperation of its members, to fulfil its mission, namely ‘We enable farmers’.


Partners for 2025

Through collaboration with RWSPA’s partners we promote sustainable food production, stewardship, risk management, reporting and food security.


“Ranyaka was established as a non-profit, urban planning consultancy in 2013 to develop transformative strategies for towns and neighbourhoods. We work hand-in-hand with residents, civil society entities, faith-based institutions, business, all levels of government, academic institutions and local change agents to co-create places where people can prosper”.

Magaliesburg Development Initiative

As a service provider, RWSPA established Magaliesburg Development Initiative (MDI) to facilitate collaboration, activation, development and implementation of Nedbank’s Proud of My Town sustainable community development projects in Magaliesburg, Gauteng. MDI has extended Ranyaka’s work on sustainable community agricultural projects to communities in Gauteng, KZN, Eastern Cape, Limpopo. Mpumalanga, the Western Cape and Northwest.

Obaro Magaliesburg

OBARO website states:

“At OBARO we see farming as more than just a business; it’s a way of life! Our vision, to be aligned with farmers, stems from our deep passion for farming and everything related to it. As a team, we are constantly growing and learning to support this vision by providing specialist knowledge, farming expertise, the latest technology, and high-quality products and services. By maintaining long-standing relationships with outstanding suppliers, we can give farmers exactly what they need for guaranteed success. With nearly 94 years of experience, we strive to take the guesswork out of the game, to provide you with a comfortable and reliable experience.”

RWSPA sells registered products directly to farmers as a sales agent of OBARO Magaliesburg.


“Lucidum is a network of thought leaders, advisors, and subject matter experts, providing governance, risk, ethics, compliance, and sustainability support to public and private corporates, small-medium enterprises, and non-profit entities.”

RWSPA is a Lucidum partner doing regenerative agriculture environmental risk evaluation reports and assessments  for Lucidum clients.

Share Asset Management

Share is currently focussed on the creation and running of CSI-funded agriculture hubs within townships and informal settlements. RWSPA is currently managing a food production CSI project for Share at Harmony Gold Mine’s Mponeng environmental project utilising recycled wastewater in Carletonville, Gauteng.


Digitalize Your Farm and Agribusiness with yieldsApp

Unlock the full potential of your farm and agribusiness with yieldsApp, the ultimate farm management platform. yieldsApp streamlines every aspect of farm and agribusiness management, making it easier for farmers, crop consultants food and beverage companies, and other agribusinesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

"Turning point: Feeding the world sustainably

The costs and opportunities of long-term food system transformation

Feeding the world, sustainably, while lifting people out of undernourishment, is the turning point that is the focus of this Deloitte report."

Contact Us: 

Rose Well Sustainable Projects in Agriculture

Vaalbank 9

Magaliesburg, Gauteng


Tel: 083 324 2651

Rosewellspa Pty